Thrive Seminars are one day events with four sessions that are designed to inform and encourage early-career pastors and mid-career pastors in significant transition. The Thrive Seminar can be designed to meet the challenges of a specific ministry context. Seminar sessions include:
Overcoming APEs: Understanding Congregational Conflict - Every congregation has some level of conflict that leads to missional dysfunction. The pastor must understand the emotional systems within the congregation and learn to navigate congregational conflict by leading as a "non-anxious" presence.
Wolves among Us: Toxic Leadership in the Church - Even the most sincere and talented church leaders can become dysfunctional and toxic. The pastor must become self aware of one's own toxic behavior and discern toxic behavior in others. The rememedy for toxic tendencies is peer accountability.
Resilience in Ministry - What are the causes of ministierial burnout and failure? This presentation helps pastors developed the disciplines that nurture faithfulness, perseverence, and endurance.
Family Matters - The pastor's home can often become a place of conflict that threatens the well-being of the pastoral family. A pastor must learn to give priority to their spouse and children.
Theological & Pastoral Issues for the Church in Babylon - Ministry in the 21st century presents new challeges. Postmodernity presents cultural challenges for which many pastors are unprepared. Post-christendom is similar to Israel's Babylonian Exile. Pastors must learn to thrive in this unfamiliar and unfriendly culture.
What is Pentecostal Leadership? - Pentecostal Spirituality informs the way churches are led. What makes leadership distinctively pentecostal? This presentation offers the characteristics of Pentecostal leadership from a biblical, theological, and historical perspective with the future in view.
Enriching Pentecostal Worship - One of the primary responsibilities of the pastor is to function as priest - leading God's people in worship. Worship should be formative and transformative. Pastors need to explore biblically sound ways that are faithful to Pentecostal spirituality to make the worship experience more meaningful.
Becoming a Better Preacher - Weekly sermon preparation is a major challenge for pastors. This seminar presents proper planning, resources, relevant content, and methods of delivery that will give the preacher more confidence in the task.
A Christian Understanding of Human Sexuality - The advent of the sexual revolution has provoked a rise in sexual promiscuty, divorce, pornography, and homosexuality. Many Christians are unfamiliar with Biblical teachings regarding sexual morality. Pastors must address these issues with a concern for truth, grace, and sanctification.
Spiritual Formation - At its core, leadership development is about spiritual formation which is a ongoing process. As the pastor increases in grace and knowledge, so does the pastoral family and the congregation.
Thrive Seminars are scheduled in cooperation with the Regional/State Administrative Bishop. PTS Thrive also works cooperatively with other denominational agencies. The Seminar can be offered on site, or via Zoom conferencing. Thrive Seminars are offered free of charge to the registered participants and the Regional/State Office.
A typical Thrive Seminar schedule:
For more information about scheduling a Thrive Seminar at your location, or via Zoom conferencing, contact PTS Thrive.